Prazo aberto para Lóstrego en 60''

Ola apaixonados do cine! Vos comunicamos que xa está aberto o prazo para presentar os vosos traballos na sección de Lóstrego en 60”. Unha sección adicada a curtas dun minuto gravadas con teléfono móvil na que poderedes demostrar que con poucos recursos e imaxinación tamén é posible facer audiovisual. Animádevos a participar, tendes ata o 30 de Agosto! Podedes ver as bases e subir as vosas pezas na páxina de Lóstrego en 60”. Tende en conta que ás veces nalgúns dispositivos a subida de arquivos falla, neste caso, escribídenos a info@lostregofestival.com

Official Short Films Section. Deadline open

Hello everyone. In today’s post we show you where you need to upload your short films for the official section of the festival. As usual, we use the Festhome platform to manage the short films applying to be selected for the aforementioned section of this 2025 edition, with different categories in which you can submit your short films depending on where they fit. To proceed with the upload, it must be done through the Festhome platform by following this link: https://filmmakers.festhome.com/es/festival/lostrego-festival AWARDS AND RATINGS BEST GALICIAN SHORT FILM BEST NATIONAL SHORT FILM BEST INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM SPECIAL AUDIENCE AWARD A jury selected by the festival will grant the award for the best national and international short film, and the audience will vote to decide the special audience award. The Lóstrego organization will be responsible for selecting the best Galician short film.   OFFICIAL SHORT FILMS SECTION Short films of fiction and animation with a fantastic, horror, or science-fiction theme, regardless of production date, will be accepted. The duration of the short films must not exceed 20 minutes, and only one per director is allowed to compete, including collaborations with other directors. Versions: All participating short films will be presented in their original version, and those whose original language is not Spanish must be accompanied by subtitles in Spanish. If you have any questions, you can use our contact form.

Lóstrego in 60''

We are pleased to announce that the guidelines for “Lóstrego en 60” are now available. This is a section dedicated exclusively to pieces recorded with a mobile phone and with a maximum duration of 1 minute. At Lóstrego, we are committed to giving visibility to young people interested in culture and audiovisuals, showing that with few resources and creativity, anything is possible. You can find the guidelines on the Lóstrego en 60” page. We will soon add more information and specify the method for submitting pieces.